Recently, human behavior has been considered the product of continuous interactions between perception, cognition and action in which ‘‘affordances” (action possibilities the environment has to offer) play an important role. Converging evidence suggests that multiple action possibilities simultaneously compete for further processing, while external and internal factors (e.g., incoming sensory information, predictions) bias this competition. Read full
SBK Amsterdam Zuid
Galerie 59, Van Eeghenstraat 59, 1071 EW Amsterdam
25 januari – 22 februari 2015
open wo t/m za van 11-18 u en zo van 11-17 u
Het onderzoeksproject Brain Storm heeft van de Bond Nederlandse Interieurachitectuur (BNI) de aanmoedigingsprijs 2014 in de categorie Bachelor ontvangen. Meer
Het definitieve ontwerp van ‘Voor De Lucht’. Voor foto’s klik hier
When we place everyday objects in a misfitting context, how does this affect how we perceive the action possibilities of such objects? And why is ‘recontextualisation’ such as placement of familiar objects in unfamiliar context a common theme in contemporary art? Could the outcome be relevant for the future of architectural design? More
Voor de lucht.
De lucht om ons heen beweegt.
Alsof de kamer ademt.
Mijn gedachten dwalen.
Alsof mijn ziel ademt.
Together with researcher Martijn Wokke from the Amsterdam Brain & Cognition Centre, we are trying to track down the neural basis of pre-reflective decision making. How do environmental stimuli influence our decion-making process? And our intuition? I am interested in this as in architecture and bodily interaction are interwined. In this first experiment, I offered unfamiliar objects with a specific function to test persons. See video
I tried to compose a work using the daydreamdesigntools I found by reading from Pallasmaa, Bachelard and Ingold. (‘To dream deeply man must dream with substances, not with objects’ – Ingold). Daylight was the substance I chose to compose with. The result is a work that is fully dependant on daylight: a ‘clock’ for daydreamers. I also measured the daydreamquotient of the image. My next step is to explore the qualities of these materials (tracing paper, daylight and air) in a more architectural structure. Larger Picture
This sketch design was proposed to de Gemeente de Bilt at the entrance of the Life Science As, in cooperation with RAAAF and Atelier de Lyon. It is an experiment in search for a ‘living image’. De gemeente approved the design. See more
‘Still’ is a synonym for distillate. But it is also ‘snapshot’ or ‘still life’. And ‘memory’. For this project I made stills from the garden of my Dutch grandfather, who was a head of public parks in Assen. I only learned about his flower gardens through hearsay. I decided to use chemistry as a tool for my translations, because my Egyptian granddad was a chemistry professor. Combining the professions of my granddads (who never met) resulted in 4 liqueurs (the Stills) that could be tasted during the exhibition. Read more
SILENCE PLEASE, DON’T MOVE and perhaps we can even listen to our own heart beat. (Participation Art & Research Honoursprogramme 2012-2013, exhibition, curated by Juliette Jongma at Jeanine Hofland Gallery, january 2013)
At the Rietveld Academy we have 64 nationalities. We researched 64 ways of drinking coffee and tea to design a mobile coffee bar for the Academy. The design won the FEDLEV DIY competition and currently we are working on a second prototype that could be used in the new Rietveld Building. Read more
What makes a square a good square? The brief was to study the Jacob van Lennepplein and to make a proposal for a redesign. See more
In my former area, I took the average of the neighbourhood (500 houses, I took every 10th house). Before I actually rang their doorbell, I photographed their name and found information about them online. Then I mixed and matched the neighbours that have common interests (private or professional). An exhibition of the possibilities for potential friends or collaborations in the local laundry space and then personally invited each neighbour to the exhibition by ringing the doorbell.Read more
What is daydreaming and can it be triggered by external stimuli? Neuroscientist and friend Martijn Wokke at the UVA Cognitive Science Center helped me to find out. The result was that I could establish the daydreamquotient of certain images, colours and shapes, that I can use in my future work to encourage daydreaming. More
Daydreamerspotting. While researching the phenomenon of daydreaming and its characteristics, I went out to spot daydreamers. I followed some of them and documented them in their natural habitat. A paradoxal discovery was that office spaces seem to be the best environment for daydreamers. These spaces seem to encourage the capacity to shut off and allowing the mind to wander. More