Recently, human behavior has been considered the product of continuous interactions between perception, cognition and action in which ‘‘affordances” (action possibilities the environment has to offer) play an important role. Converging evidence suggests that multiple action possibilities simultaneously compete for further processing, while external and internal factors (e.g., incoming sensory information, predictions) bias this competition. Read full
Het onderzoeksproject Brain Storm heeft van de Bond Nederlandse Interieurachitectuur (BNI) de aanmoedigingsprijs 2014 in de categorie Bachelor ontvangen. Meer
When we place everyday objects in a misfitting context, how does this affect how we perceive the action possibilities of such objects? And why is ‘recontextualisation’ such as placement of familiar objects in unfamiliar context a common theme in contemporary art? Could the outcome be relevant for the future of architectural design? More
‘Still’ is a synonym for distillate. But it is also ‘snapshot’ or ‘still life’. And ‘memory’. For this project I made stills from the garden of my Dutch grandfather, who was a head of public parks in Assen. I only learned about his flower gardens through hearsay. I decided to use chemistry as a tool for my translations, because my Egyptian granddad was a chemistry professor. Combining the professions of my granddads (who never met) resulted in 4 liqueurs (the Stills) that could be tasted during the exhibition. Read more